HelloWorld API

This is a simple .NET 8.0 API that returns a "Hello World" message.

Project Structure

  • HelloWorld/ - Contains the source code for the API.
    • appsettings.json - Contains the configuration settings for the API.
    • appsettings.Development.json - Contains the configuration settings for the API in development environment.
    • DOCKERFILE - Contains the Docker configuration for building a Docker image of the API.
    • HelloWorld.csproj - The project file.
    • Program.cs - The main entry point for the API.
    • Properties/launchSettings.json - Contains settings for the project profiles.
    • obj/ - Contains files that are generated during the build.
  • k8s/ - Contains Kubernetes configuration files.
  • README.md - This file.

Running the API

You can run the API using Docker. Build the Docker image by running:

docker build -t hello-world-api .