
Terraform for complete Rancher 2 HA deployment on AWS

Primary LanguageHCL

With the release of Rancher v2.1.1 these scripts are deprecated until further reworking


Terraform for complete Rancher 2 HA deployment with external load balancer on AWS

Basic Instructions

  • Clone repo
  • Run terraform init
  • Copy the terraform.tfvars.template file to terraform.tfvars
  • Enter values for all fields in terraform.tfvars. If you're not using Route53 for your DNS, leave the value blank and delete/rename the extension of the route53.tf file.
  • Run terraform plan to make sure everything's kosher.
  • Run terraform apply to deploy. This may take around 10 minutes to complete.
  • Browse to the URL you chose and perform initial config of password and URL. If you skipped the Route53 config, you'll need to point your chosen URL to the load balancr CNAME in your DNS registry.
  • Start reading the Rancher docs for next steps. :)

Creates the following resources:

  • 3 EC2 Instances with Elastic IPs, Docker 17.03ce, and fail2ban
  • Application Load Balancer
  • Route 53 DNS Entry
  • VPC & Subnets
  • Auto-config of Rancher2/Kubernetes Cluster using rke
