
Foundational maths materials in R for BSc Hons Applied Software Development Degree at the University of Highlands and Islands

Primary LanguageR

Computational Mathematics

A set of foundational resources based in R for BSc Hons Applied Software Development. This forms a set of revision notes for students coming from a wide range of educational backgrounds and abilities.

Useful R notation to know before diving in

  • use ?plot to find out help on how to use a command, in this case the plot command
  • use help(plot) to find help on how to use a command, in this case the plot command
  • use <- instead of = for assignment of values to variables
  • use all.equal(a,b) to compare floating point values not ==
  • use c(1,2,3) to define an array of values
  • use list("key"=1) to define a list
  • use data.frame to represent a spreadsheet of data
  • use read.csv to read in a csv of data
  • use plot to plot data
  • use par to find more plotting settings
  • watch out for the value NA which can enter in without warning
  • R is able to handle calculations of arrays of values so you can do the follow:
a <- c(1,2,3)
b <- c(3,4,5)


Here are some common tools used for various areas of mathmatical computation

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