
Primary LanguageCMakeMIT LicenseMIT

Basic CPP Command Line Project

Getting started

  • Open CMakeLists.txt
  • Change PROJECT_NAME from 'new_project' to a name of your choice.

Build instructions

This is a C++ application that has been tested with g++ and clang++ using C++17. Once you have downloaded the source from the git repository then type the following:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make test

Docker instructions

docker build .

You will end up with the following:

Successfully built 5d4611cb33c8

Copy the final hex number and run as follows:

docker run -ti <hex_number>

Then type the following to begin a new session:


Running the application

The application will be created in the bin directory of the build directory. These instructions assume you are in the build directory.

Code Coverage

Requires the gcov or lcov tool to be installed

make test
make lcov

Verbose Make

To increase verbosity of make process:

make VERBOSE=1