
A startup CTO's opinionated JAM stack boilerplate for quickly bootstrapping a statically typed Serverless monorepo. 🚀

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Design choices

1. Monorepo design

To achieve modularity and the ability to encapsulate technical debt without the unnecessary overhead of administering hundreds of separate repositories.

  • Lerna
  • Yarn Workspaces
  • Typescript Composite Project References

2. Type safety

To catch errors before they happen in runtime, largely avoid a need for manual technical documentation, and to allow for rapid refactoring.

  • Typescript

3. 100% Serverless

To save headspace and manpower on sysops, allow for horizontal scaling, and to encourage a modular and event driven technical landscape.

  • Serverless Framework
  • AWS Lambda
  • Cloudformation
  • DynamoDB
  • Netlify
  • Auth0

4. Adopt community favorites

To improve the developer experience and go with smart but proven technologies.

  • React: view
  • React Router: simple routing
  • Styled Components: modular, extendible, readable styling
  • Redux: application state management
  • Parcel: low-config package bundler

5. Buy > build

To focus on the core product and ship faster.

  • Netlify: instant edge network and content delivery, continuous deployment, SSL
  • Auth0: identity resolution and management, login/logout frontends, SSO, and a simpler path towards 2FA
  • CircleCI: continuous integration and deployment without the hassle of setting up a Jenkins server

6. Standardized code styling and automated linting

To avoid fruitless discussions re formatting and save time during code reviews.

  • Prettier
  • Husky
  • Lint-staged