Tom's Snippets

This is a collection of snippets I use in my daily work with React and NextJS - they should come in quite handy.


  1. Open the command palette (⌃ Control + P or ⌘ Command + P)
  2. Type ext install mitchelmore.toms-snippets

Or download directly from the VSCode Marketplace.


Trigger Content Usage Notes
tsf Typescript Functional Component Component will be named after the file
tsfp Typescript Functional Component with Props Component will be named after the file
tsfc Typescript Functional Component with Children (and props, incidentally) Component will be named after the file
tsfic Typescript Functional Component inheriting props from some other element Component will be named after the file, and typing after the snippet will name the inherited tag (e.g div)
np NextJS Page Typing after the snippet will name the page
npsg NextJS Page with Static Props Typing after the snippet will name the page
npsr NextJS Page with Server-side Rendering Typing after the snippet will name the page