
personal script that can email me reminders/digests etc

Primary LanguagePython


personal script that can email me reminders/digests etc

connects to the google api run the script in an env with a browser to setup the credentials with google api. to run headless, copy the credentials.json and client_secret.json to the same directory as script

to setup the gmail api, run emailreminder.py when connected to a monitor.

to setup the reddit api, make a reddit api bot according to this tutorial, then create a file in the root directory of project according to the instructions in reddit.py

also, make a file named subs.txt in the same directory as the script with this format

sender email (the account you used for gmail api)
destination_email subreddit number_of_posts
destination_email subreddit number_of_posts
... (for as many subreddits as you want)

to run, run the file sched.py with arguments with python3


  • make readme better
  • comment code
  • remove obsolete cil args