
🏛️ Decentraland's LAND Marketplace

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Decentraland's LAND Marketplace

Running the project

The core technologies of the marketplace are:

Once those dependencies are installed you can configure each part of the project.

The backend lives on the /src folder and the front on the /webapp folder.

Keep in mind that both sides use dotenv via decentraland-commons to configure the environment. As such, you'll need to create your own .env files, following the .env.examples located on each folder.

First of all, you'll need to run npm install on both directories. Once that's done, you can move to configuring each part:


  • Creating the DB user
    Create a PostgreSQL named marketplace. You can do it running $ createuser marketplace on the terminal or by running the query CREATE USER marketplace;
  • Creating the database
    You'll need to create a marketplace database. You can do it running $ createdb -O marketplace marketplace on the terminal or by running the query CREATE DATABASE marketplace OWNER marketplace;. You can create a marketplace_test database if you want to run tests against it.
  • Adding the .env files
    Create a .env file on the /src folder and fill it following the .env.example file found there. You can skip most variables as they have a default value. There are some notable exceptions like CONNECTION_STRING which might look something like CONNECTION_STRING="postgres://localhost:5432/marketplace"
  • Migrate the database
    Once you have your database you can go ahead and run the database migrations. To do it, simply run npm run migrate up. We use node-pg-migrate behind the scenes and every argument after migrate will be forwarded to it. You environment will be picked up automatically from the /src/.env file, but you can override the CONNECTION_STRING by explicitly adding it like this CONNECTION_STRING='' npm run migrate up
  • Running the initialize script
    Just run npm run init-db. Once it finishes seeding the database, the script will prompt you to add the latest data from the Blockchain to the database. You'll need to have a Ethereum node fot this to work (see below). If you want to run that later, you can use npm run renew-blockchain-data.
  • Running an Ethereum node
    If you want to be able to get data from the Ethereum blockchain, you'll need to have a node running on http://localhost:8545. You can use Parity, geth, etc.
  • Running the server
    To run the server, go to the /src folder and run the server.js script like this babel-node server.js
  • Run watchers
    If you want to keep your database up-to-date with the blockchain, you need to run this watcher: npm run monitor-blockchain. Keep in mind that the address you use for each contract will determine the network. For more information in event watching, check here.

If you don't want to install babel-node globally, you can use npx and install it locally.


  • Adding the .env files
    Create an .env file on the /webapp folder and fill it following the .env.example file found there. You will need to specify NODE_PATH to be src/, REACT_APP_API_URL to be http://localhost:5000 (unless you changed the default server configuration, if so point to the right host:port) and REACT_APP_MANA_TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS to Ropsten's MANAToken address: 0x2a8fd99c19271f4f04b1b7b9c4f7cf264b626edb.
  • Running the front-end
    You will need to first have the server running (see above). After that just jump into the webapp folder $ cd webapp and start the local development $ npm start


To run the backend tests simply run npm run test or npm run watch:test. You'll need to create your own .env file for the /specs file mimicking the .env.example file that's in there. We do this so you can for example use a dedicated database CONNECTION_STRING="postgres://localhost:5432/marketplace_test". Remember that if you're using a test database, you'll need to migrate it. You can run CONNECTION_STRING="postgres://localhost:5432/marketplace_test" npm run migrate up to do so.


To keep your database up to date, you'll need to run npm run migrate up each time a new migration is introduced. Your database version lives on the pgmigrations. Check node-pg-migrate for more info.


If you need some test data to test the marketplace, you can use the seed for quick features. Run npm run seed generate MODEL_NAME -- --amount NUMBER, (which will look something like this npm run seed generate Publication -- --amount 2) and follow the prompts