
Unofficial Ruby wrapper for the Shareasale affiliate reporting API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


This is an unofficial client library for the ShareaSale affiliate reporting API. It does not include the publisher API or any other APIs at the moment. Please see below for the supported endpoints as well as a required and optional parameters on each endpoint.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'teilashare'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install teilashare


Instantiate a client via:

credentials = {
  token: ENV['TOKEN'],
  api_secret: ENV['API_SECRET'],
  affiliate_id: ENV['affiliate_id']

client = Teilashare.new(credentials)

You can then request reports on this client via:

result = client.today_stats(format: 'xml')

Please refer to the Teilashare documentation for required and optional parameters for your desired report. The default format is CSV, but you can request XML format or pipe formatted data (PSV?) via the format option.

Activity Details

required params:

  • action
  • version
  • affiliateId
  • token
  • dateStart


  • dateEnd
  • merchantId
  • lockDate,
  • paidDate
  • sortCol
  • sortDir
  • XMLFormat
  • xml_format
  start_date: '07-31-2020',
  end_date: '08-31-2020',
  merchant_id: 234234234

Activity Summary

required params:

  • action
  • version
  • affiliateId
  • token

optional params

  • merchantId Merchant Id Value
  • filterCol hits, sales, OR commissions
  • filterSpan month OR total
  • filterValue Number
  • sortCol hitsmonth, salesmonth, salestotal, commissionsmonth, commissionstotal, organization
  • sortDir asc or desc
  • XMLFormat 0 or 1
  • format pipe, xml, csv
client.activity_summary(sort_col: 'salestotal', sort_dir: 'asc')

Merchant Timespan Report

required params:

  • dateStart

optional params

  • dateEnd mm/dd/yyyy
  • merchantId Merchant Id Value
  • sortCol hits, grosssales, reversals, netsales, sales, mcredits, commissions
  • sortDir asc or desc
  • XMLFormat 0 or 1
  • format pipe, xml, csv
csv = client.merchant_timespan(date_start: '12/31/2020')

Today's Stats

required params

  • none

optional params

  • distinctlink 1 or 0
  • sortCol commissions, hits, sales
  • sortDir asc or desc
  • XMLFormat 0 or 1
  • format pipe, xml, csv
  distinct_link: 1,
  sort_col: 'commissions',
  sort_dir: 'asc'

Monthly Summary

required params

  • dateMonth mm/dd/yyyy

optional params

  • sortCol merchantId, commissionsum, salesum
  • sortDir asc or desc
  • XMLFormat 0 or 1
  • format pipe, xml, csv
  date_month: '12/01/2020',
  sort_col: 'commissions',
  sort_dir: 'asc'

Void Trail

required params

  • dateStart mm/dd/yyyy

optional params

  • dateEnd mm/dd/yyyy
  • merchantID Valid merchant ID.
  • XMLFormat 0 or 1
  • format pipe, xml, csv
  date_start: '12/01/2020'


required params

  • dateStart

optional params

  • dateEnd mm/dd/yyyy
  • groupBy bannerID or afftrack
  • bannerID Valid bannerID value. MerchantID must also be specified when using this parameter. BannerType must also be specified when using this parameter.
  • afftrack Valid afftrack value. MerchantID must also be specified when using this parameter.
  • sortCol hits, commissions, numberOfSales, numberOfVoids, conversion, epc
  • sortDir asc or desc
  • XMLFormat 0 or 1
  • format pipe, xml, csv

conditionally required

  • bannerType Click for values.
  • merchantId Valid Merchant Id
  date_start: '12/01/2020'

API Token Count

required params

  • n/a

optional params

  • XMLFormat 0 or 1
  • format pipe, xml, csv


required params

  • keyword Word or Phrase

optional params

  • merchantId Valid Merchant Id
  • excludeMerchants List of Merchant Id
  • XMLFormat 0 or 1
  • format pipe, xml, csv
  keyword: 'wool hats'

Invalid Links

required params

  • n/a

optional params

  • merchantIdList Comma delimited list of valid Merchant IDs
  • XMLFormat 0 or 1
  • format pipe, xml, csv
  merchantIdList: 12342,1234234,234234

Order Inquiry

required params

  • merchantId Valid Merchant Id
  • orderDate mm/dd/yyyy
  • orderNumber Merchant's order number (alpha-numeric)

optional params

  • XMLFormat 0 or 1
  • format pipe, xml, csv
  merchant_id: 1234,
  order_date: '12/31/2020',
  order_number: abcdef234

Merchant Datafeeds

required params

  • n/a

optional params

  • blnMemberOf 1 or 0
  • blnNotMemberOf 1 or 0
  • category Click for values.
  • updateDate mm/dd/yyyy
  • keyword word or phrase
  • sortCol 7DayEpc, 30DayEpc, saleCommissionAmount, productcount, datafeedupdated, organization
  • sortDir asc or desc
  • XMLFormat 0 or 1
  • format pipe, xml, csv

Coupon Deals

required params

  • n/a

optional params

  • current 1
  • modifiedSince mm/dd/yyyy
  • merchantId Valid Merchant Id number.
  • XMLFormat 0 or 1
  • format pipe, xml, csv

Merchant Status

required params

  • n/a

optional params

  • merchantId List of Merchant Id
  • category Click for values.
  • programStatus online, offline, lowfunds, onlineNotLowFunds
  • keyword word or phrase
  • sortCol organization, salescommission, hitcommission, leadcommission, merchantStatus, category, applydate
  • sortDir asc or desc
  • XMLFormat 0 or 1
  • format pipe, xml, csv

Merchant Creatives

required params

  • n/a

optional params

  • sortCol bannerId, bannerHeight, bannerWidth, category, type
  • sortDir asc or desc
  • XMLFormat 0 or 1
  • format pipe, xml, csv

conditional params

  • merchantId Valid Merchant Id. Required unless modifiedDate is present.
  • modifiedDate Valid date no more than 31 days in the past. Required unless merchantID is present. Format MM/DD/YYYY

Merchant Gift Cards

required params

  • n/a

optional params

  • sortCol giftcardId, publishdate, title, merchantId, organization
  • sortDir asc or desc
  • XMLFormat 0 or 1
  • format pipe, xml, csv

Edit Trail

required params

  • dateStart mm/dd/yyyy

optional params

  • dateEnd mm/dd/yyyy
  • merchantID Valid merchant ID.
  • XMLFormat 0 or 1
  • format pipe, xml, csv

Payment Summary

required params

  • paymentDate mm/dd/yyyy must be 20th of month in the last 12 months

optional params

  • sortCol organization, merchantID, commissions, numberofsales
  • sortDir asc or desc
  • XMLFormat 0 or 1
  • format pipe, xml, csv

Merchant Search

required params

  • n/a

optional params

  • Keyword Word or Phrase
  • Category Click for values.
  • activatedSince mm/dd/yyyy
  • -tjoined 1 or 0
  • datafeed 1 or 0
  • autodeposit 1 or 0
  • autoapprove 1 or 0
  • epc Any number
  • avgsale Any number
  • reversalrate Any number
  • cookielength Any Number
  • sortCol a7dayepc,a30dayepc,salecommission,leadcommission,hitcommission,organization,organization,startdate,cookielength,powerrank,relationshipID
  • sortDir asc or desc
  • XMLFormat 0 or 1
  • format pipe, xml, csv
client.merchant_search(keyword: 'wool')

Merchant Search by Product

required params

  • keyword Word or Phrase

optional params

  • -tjoined 1 or 0
  • merchantId Valid Merchant Id
  • excludeMerchants List of Merchant Id
  • XMLFormat 0 or 1
  • format pipe, xml, csv
client.merchant_search_by_product(keyword: 'shoes')

Ledger Report

required params

  • n/a

optional params

  • dateStart mm/dd/yyyy
  • dateEnd mm/dd/yyyy
  • includeOrderDetails 0 or 1
  • includeMerchantDetails 0 or 1
  • XMLFormat 0 or 1
  • format pipe, xml, csv

Balance Inquiry

required params

  • n/a

optional params

  • XMLFormat 0 or 1
  • format pipe, xml, csv


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

If you want to record API requests, you'll need to export environment variables in the format:

export TOKEN=abc
export AFFILIATE_ID=123456789
export API_SECRET=def
export API_VERSION=2.3

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/tommycarney/partagerasale.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.