
A template for libraries that work with libGDX and Gradle 8.x (or 7.x)

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Library Template using libGDX and Gradle 8.x

Change this to fit your library!

You'll want to edit gradle.properties to match your library's name, description, author, license, and so on. You probably also want to edit build.gradle to match the projectName and group to what you want to use.

You should "Find in Files" and search for any places that use the word "template" in order to find anything you will want to replace.

This currently uses Gradle 8.x; if you want an earlier version that uses 7.x, here you go! Gradle 8.x seems to be fine for library code, and since approximately the middle of 2023, the tooling seems to have finally become capable of handling Gradle 8.x and Android/RoboVM projects. Your Android Gradle Plugin version should probably be 8.1.2 at this point; it may be able to go up soon as IDEA gets more support.