********************************************************* ! Responsive FileManager for TinyMCE ********************************************************* Responsive FileManager is a free open-source file manager made with the jQuery library, CSS3, PHP and HTML5 that offers a nice and elegant way to upload and insert files, images and videos. You can use it as external plugin for TinyMCE version 4.x. and you can also use it as a stand-alone file manager to manage and select files. The script automatically creates thumbnails of images for the preview list and can create also external thumbnails to use in your cms or site. It can be configured for automatic resizing of uploaded images or to automatically limit the size. You can personalize the configuration for each folder. You can set a subfolder as the root and change the configuration for each user, page or FileManager call. Is compatible with multi-user mode and you can edit images with aviary editor, sorting files. DEMO AND DOCUMENTATION: http://www.responsivefilemanager.com/ Released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. Creator : info@albertoperipolli.com - tr1pp0 ********************************************************* ! Localization ********************************************************* - BGR [Stanislav Panev] - BRA [paulomanrique] - CZE [jlusticky] - ENG - ESP [Roberto Santamaria] - FRA [Mathieu Ducharme] - GER [Oliver Beta] - HUN [Novak Szabolcs] - ITA - NLD [Martijn van der Made] - NOR [Pål Schroeder] - Persian [] - POL [Michell Hoduń] - POR [Sérgio Lima] - RUS [vasromand] - SLO [Roman Šovčík] - TUR [Ahmed Faruk Bora] - UKR [Sergey] ********************************************************* ! Credits ********************************************************* Bootstrap => http://twitter.github.io/bootstrap/ Bootstrap Lightbox => http://jbutz.github.io/bootstrap-lightbox/ Dropzonejs => http://www.dropzonejs.com/ Fancybox => http://fancybox.net/ TouchSwipe => http://labs.rampinteractive.co.uk/touchSwipe/demos/ PHP Image Magician => http://phpimagemagician.jarrodoberto.com/ Mini icons => http://www.fatcow.com/free-icons Jupload => http://jupload.sourceforge.net/ Bootbox => http://bootboxjs.com/ jQuery contextMenu => http://medialize.github.io/jQuery-contextMenu/ Bootstrap-modal => https://github.com/jschr/bootstrap-modal jPlayer => http://jplayer.org/ QueryLoader2 => http://www.gayadesign.com/diy/queryloader2-preload-your-images-with-ease/ *********************************************************
Completely Responsive Filemanager with integration for tinyMCE editor