
IOT Arduino and MicroPython script cookbook

Primary LanguageC

Microcontrollers/IOT Cookbook (Arduino & MicroPython)

This is the code repository for Microcontrollers/IOT cut-and-paste scripts

Build practical solutions to read and analyse sensor data, make sounds, control lights and motors, display and publish data, and send alerts using popular microcontrollers.

Microcontrollers (applies to below but not limited to):

  • Adafruit Circuit Playground Classic / Express (ATmega32u4)
  • M5Stack UnitV (Kendryte K210)
  • M5Stack Basic Core w/ TFT (esp32)
  • M5Stack M5 Faces w/ TFT (esp32)
  • M5Stack M5StickC w/ TFT (esp32)
  • M5Stack ATOM Matrix (esp32)
  • TTGO T-Camera w/ OLED (esp32)
  • TTGO T-Display w/ TFT (esp32)
  • TTGO T-Journal w/ OLED (esp32)
  • Ai-Thinker esp32-cam (esp32)
  • Ai-Thinker esp-32S (esp32)
  • HELTEC HTIT-WB32 w/ OLED (esp32)
  • NodeMCU ESP32 (esp32)
  • NodeMCU V3 (esp8266)
  • WeMos WiFi-ESP8266 (esp8266)
  • WeMos D1 Mini (esp8266)

Instructions and Navigations

Most of the scripts were either written in:

All codes are organized into folders by project then microcontroller. For example, Blynk/M5StickC or fastLED/M5Atom

Most codes are ready-to-use by simple paste or upload to the microcontroller. The code will look like the following:

#-- m5RGB.mpy
from m5stack import *
from m5ui import *
from uiflow import *
import unit

rgb0 = unit.get(unit.RGB, unit.PORTA)
title0 = M5Title(title="m5RGB", x=3 , fgcolor=0xFFFFFF, bgcolor=0x0000FF)
#include <SPIFFS.h>
#include <Arduino_GFX_Library.h>  /* Install via Arduino Library Manager */
#include "gifdec.h"

 * espgfxGIF.ino
/ *** BEGIN editing of your settings ...
//#define GIF_FILENAME "/suatmm_240x135.gif" /* comment out for random GIF */
// *** END editing of your settings ...

Related products

  • TBD

Get to Know the Author

I, Tommy Ho, has been coding in some form or other since college, before the web existed and has continued to develop scripts, with a particular passion for Python, R, and Ardunio for over a decade. I have recently expanded my work on automation to microcontroller and robotic projects.

Suggestions and Feedback

Click here if you have any feedback or suggestions.