
A Bridge between Rust log crate and Flutter

Primary LanguageDartOtherNOASSERTION

Frusty Logger

A Bridge between Rust log crate and Flutter debugPrint function

I know I'm terrible at naming packages 😅


Rust Crate

TODO: Publish frusty-logger crate to crates.io

Add frusty-logger to your dependencies

log = "0.4"
frusty-logger = "0.1.0"

that's it, yeah really you don't have to do anything, but .. Cargo has another opinion, I guess not Cargo, it is rustc as it will remove any unused dependencies. so to get around this, just referance frusty-logger somewhere, for example in our demo, we have a nop function that calls frusty_logger::link_me_please() yup, you read it right I called it link_me_please() :D

pub extern "C" fn nop() {

now you ready to go, just use the log crate as you would.

Flutter Setup

TODO: Publish frusty_logger package to pub.dev

Add frusty_logger package to your dependencies

  frusty_logger: ^0.1.0

Then, it is easy to setup, just call


usually you will call init directly after loading your dynamicLibrary and passing a referance to FrustyLogger to let it setup the logger and hooking into rust functions.

Done, you should now see logs in your Debug Console :).


See the native/demo crate and the example app.

to Run the Example, simple run

$ cargo make

Fire up Android Emulator and the Run the app

$ cd example
$ flutter run

you should see some loggs on the Debug Console when you press the FAB.


Here the Things that I want to do before making this ready

  • Test it on iOS (it should just work)
  • Add more Options and customization for the logger
  • Publish on crates.io
  • Add Colors & Emoji
  • Publish on pub.dev