import { Probot } from "probot"; import { generateCommitMessage } from './openai';
const commands = ["/cf", "/commitflow"];
function containsCommand(comment: string): boolean { return commands.some((command) => comment.includes(command)); }
function getInstruction(comment: string): string { const command = commands.find((command) => comment.includes(command)); if (!command) { return ""; } return comment.slice(comment.indexOf(command) + command.length).trim(); }
async function createPullRequestSummary(context: any) { // Get the diff of the pull request const { data: diff } = await context.octokit.pulls.get({ owner: context.repo().owner, repo: context.repo().repo, pull_number: context.payload.pull_request.number, headers: { accept: "application/vnd.github.diff", }, });
const commitMessage = await generateCommitMessage(${diff}
const diffFormatted = \
// Create a comment on the pull request with the diff
const diffComment = context.issue({
body: Diff:\n${diffFormatted}\nSummary:\n${commitMessage}
await context.octokit.issues.createComment(diffComment); }
async function processCommand(context: any) { const comment = context.payload.comment.body;
if (containsCommand(comment)) { const instruction = getInstruction(comment);
await context.octokit.issues.createComment({
body: instruction
} }
async function anyEvent(context: any, app: Probot) { const { name, payload } = context; const action = "action" in payload ? payload.action : 'unknown';{ event: name, action: action }); }
export = (app: Probot) => { // app.on("issues.opened", async (context) => { // }); app.on("pull_request.opened", async (context) => { await createPullRequestSummary(context); }); app.on("pull_request_review_comment.created", async (context) => { await processCommand(context); }); // app.on("issue_comment.created", async (context) => { // }); app.onAny(async (context) => { await anyEvent(context, app); }); };