
Comparison of different evapotranspiration products over East Africa, for submission to a Poster at EGU2019

Primary LanguagePython

Scripts to allow comparison of MOD16, GLEAM and HOLAPS Evaporation from 2001-2015. https://www.ntsg.umt.edu/project/modis/mod16.php


  • Reproject HOLAPS to geographic lat lon
  • [-] Convert GLEAM ET from mm/day -> mm/month
  • OR convert MODIS ET -> mm/day
  • Copy the HOLAPS mask to other datasets
  • CLEAN the exploration code into more useful set of functions (too much copy+paste ...)
  • New structure for the code
  • Do P - E calculations (spatial, temporal, subsets)
    - preprocessing.py [BaseCleaner > HolapsCleaner,ModisCleaner,GleamCleaner]
    - engineer.py
    - plotting.py
Problems with the data:
[x] Different units:
    holaps = W m-2
    modis = mm/m
    gleam = ???

    Convert: W m-2 to mm of water
    1 Watt /m2 = 0.0864 MJ /m2 /day

[x] Different variables:
    holaps: mean monthly latent heat flux
    modis: monthly mean of daily evapotranspiration
    gleam = ???

[x] Timesteps:
     modis starts in February 2001 for some reason

[x] Different masks:
    HOLAPS masks out the water areas
    GLEAM masks out some of the water areas
    MODIS has no mask for the water areas

[x] Different projections
    sincrs = "+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m"
    llcrs = "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84"

[x] Different Resolutions
    GLEAM = lat: 81, lon: 77
    MODIS = longitude: 231, latitude: 242
    HOLAPS = lat: 414, lon: 454

[x] Different Colorbars