An API for timereport
- AWS API Gateway
- AWS lambda
- AWS dynamodb
- aws credentials for dynamodb access
- aws credentials for travis-ci
- edit .chalice/config.json env variables
- Docker (to run amazon/dynamodb-local)
- packages in requirements.txt
To start a local dynamodb and chalice:
make run
Now you should be able to try the API on http://localhost:8010
To stop and cleanup:
make clean
Deployment to dev and prod is done automatically
Deploy to dev will happen when a push/merge even happens on master branch
Deploy to production will happen if a tag is created on the master branch
note: This requires that you have setup the credentials for AWS
chalice deploy --stage dev
chalice deploy --stage prod
Install the packages (use pipenv)
IMPORTANT! : Make sure you have started your local development environment
Run pytest:
pytest -v tests