
TwitterBot to help promote awareness on various medical/societal issues

Primary LanguagePython


This TwitterBot will take the ten most recent tweets from pages such as the American Red Cross, American Cancer Society, and UNICEF, and retweet them. The goal of this project is help "crowd-fund" awareness of some of the biggest issues/problems that we face in society today.

To run this script, create a file called 'twitterkeys.py' and place it in the same directory as the rest of this project. Within that file, create the variables "CONSUMER_KEY", "CONSUMER_SECRET", "ACCESS_KEY", and "ACCESS_SECRET". To get the values for each of these variables, go to this website, and create a new Twitter Application.

After you have done all of this, go into terminal and navigate to the project directory. Type in 'python AwarenessBot.py', and you're good to go.