This is an example project for those who want to bootsrap an API using Express and MongoDB.
If you forked this repository, you can link it to your heroku app afterwards.
To build and run this app locally you will need a few things:
- Install dependencies
cd <project_name>
npm install
You can simply call Npm Script:
$ npm start
Or you can bootstrap the project right away using Docker:
$ docker-compose up
Start Using the API at http://localhost:3001/api/
In order to enable debugging in local environment, start project with the following command:
$ npm run debug
Note on editors! - TypeScript has great support in every editor . You can place breakpoints in TypeScript code and debug at runtime.
For configuration of your favorite IDE, see the documentation for:
File Structure
- The project file structure is defined as below:
- src/dao for Data Access Objects
- src/model for Database Object Model Representations
- src/routes/api for API Routes
- src/services for Services
- The project file structure is defined as below:
- Token Based Authorization
- Annotation Based Configuration
- Inversion of Control
- Object Relational Mapping (ORM) Layer
- Model Validation
- Data Access Object (DAO) Layer
- Create Read Update Delete (CRUD) Operations Abstracted via Super Class
- Hot Reloading
- Containerization
- Docker Compose used to attach MongoDB Image to application
Travis CI
- Continuous Integration
- Has an extra .gitlab-ci.yml file for Gitlab users!