
A Facebook clone

Primary LanguageJavaScript


FacePlace Live

FacePlace is a full-stack social media platform designed to mimic the popular website Facebook. It uses Ruby on Rails to handle the backend, on top of a PostgresSQL database, with the frontend handled by React.js which uses the Redux architectural framework.


User Profiles

Profiles are stored modularly in the database as profile entries of which a user can have an unlimited amount. They are associated with a user via a user_id foreign key and presorted into categories and subcategories. In order to create a profile entry, a user simply hits the 'add info' button on their main page and a modal with a modular form will appear. Users can then select a category, subcategory and input a entry


Users can add one another to their friends lists by hitting the Add friend button on the potential friend's page, a request will be sent to the potential friend. The potential friend will have pending requests in dropdown menu on their header where they can accept or decline the request.



At the user's convenience there is a post creation form on every user page to add a post the that user's wall. users can also post to their own walls from the main page.


News Feed

All the posts that are related to the user and the user's friends are displayed on the front page.


Users can find anyone on the platform by inputing a name on the search bar.


Future Directions for FacePlace


Users should be able to plan events with the ability to send invitations to friends


Users should be alerted to any changes worthy of news such as a friend posting on their wall, a upcoming birthday or event, etc.