
This repository contains a simple golang-API to manage CRUD operations on users and their friends.

To use the API, follow these instructions: Clone the repository into your desired local directory

git clone https://github.com/tommywiffler/golang-api.git

Navigate to the project directory and run the following commands to clean up any dependencies

go mod tidy
go mod vendor

Run the API server

go run main.go


The API endpoints are exposed at the following URI

To create a user

POST /users
    "id": 3333,
    "name": "Todd",
    "email": "todd@email.com",
    "age": 45,
    "friends": [
        1234, 1212

To get all users

GET /users

To get a specific user

GET /users/{id}

To update a user

PATCH /users/{id}
    "name": "Dodd",
    "email": "dodd@email.com",
    "age": 46

To delete a user

DELETE /users/{id}

To get friends of a user

GET /users/{id}/friends

To add a friend to a user

POST /users/{id}/friends
    "id": 5678

To delete a friend of a user

DELETE /users/{id}/friends/{id}


There is a Postman Collection of example requests included in the repository that can be imported to a Postman environment and used for testing.