
Programming job for Java class of WHU. A simple GUI program with swing and jfreechat. Get marks of 97/100.

Primary LanguageJava

WHU Java程序设计公选课一个简单的结课作业,供参考#滑稽


Books Manager-Java Programming Job(WHU)

Programming job of Java Programming in WHU, instructor: Mr Z.Kang

Completed by Tommy(Haotian) Xu in Fri. 15th,Dec,2017

Screen Shots

Develope on macOS with IntelliJ IDEA.

Main UI shots:

And some more details not shown here...

Project File Tree

  • TestProg
    • res
      • Books.txt
      • Sales.txt
    • src
      • com.xht97
        • Main
          • TestProgram.java
        • Model
          • Book.java
          • Sale.java
        • Service
          • BookList.java
          • SaleList.java
          • Fileshelper.java
        • UI
          • Frames
            • BooksSalesFrame.java
            • BookFrame.java
            • ChartFrame.java
          • mJButton.java
          • mJFont.java
    • libs
      • jfreechart-1.0.18.jar
      • jcommon-1.0.23.jar

Design Model

I use MVC model as following, package Main provides the entrance of the whole program, package Model provides the basic model Book and Sale, package Service provides the control service when user updates book stock or sales some of the book. package UI provides the UI by swing framework.

Source Code

Package Main

This package includes one java file TestProgram.java

This file includes the entrance of this whole program:

public class TestProgram{
	public static void main(String[] args){

Package Model

This package includes Book.java and Sale.java.

Each java file provides a model of a object.

For example:

public class Book {
	private int Code;
	private String Name;
	private float Price;
	private int Stock;

This shows what proporties should included in a book model.

Package Service

This package includes three java files: BookList.java, SaleList.java and FilesHelper.java.

The former two files provides a class to manage a book list or a sale list. FilesHelper provides a class to access the txt files where the data stored in.

Package UI

Include a sub package Frames

Includes BookSalesFrame.java, BookFrame.java, ChartFrame.java, mJFont.java and mJButton.java.

Frame java files provides the User's Interface which is shown in the screen shots.

mJFont set user's own fonts.

mJButton is not used by the program until now.