CSC443 Assignment 2 To build: > make all Page operations --------------- write_fixed_len_pages: ./write_fixed_len_pages csv_file page_file page_size read_fixed_len_page: ./read_fixed_len_page page_file page_size [--benchmark-mode] By default, read_fixed_len_page writes to stdout. You can pass in "--benchmark-mode" as the last arg and it will write to /dev/null. Heap file operations -------------------- csv2heapfile: ./csv2colstore csv_file heap_file page_size scan: ./scan heapfile page_size select: ./select heapfile attribute_id start end page_size [--benchmark-mode] By default, select writes to stdout. You can pass in "--benchmark-mode" as the last arg and it will write to /dev/null instead. insert: ./insert heapfile csv_file page_size delete: ./delete heapfile record_id page_size The record_id arg expects a string of the form "page_id%slot_number". update: ./update heapfile record_id attribute_id new_value page_size The record_id arg expects a string of the form "page_id%slot_number". Column store operations ----------------------- csv2colstore: ./csv2colstore csv_file colstore_name page_size The colstore_name arg is the name of the directory you want the column files to be created in. It will be created as a child of your current directory. You can't have a preexisting directory of the same name when you run csv2colstore. select2: ./select2 colstore_name attribute_id start end page_size By default, select2 writes to stdout. You can pass in "--benchmark-mode" as the last arg and it will write to /dev/null instead. select3: ./select3 colstore_name attribute_id return_attribute_id start end page_size By default, select3 writes to stdout. You can pass in "--benchmark-mode" as the last arg and it will write to /dev/null instead.