
Vim tool work working with the modern data stack

Supported tools:

  • dbt
    • Cloud
    • Semantic layer
    • Docs
  • Databases
    • Snowflake
    • Duckdb
    • Postgres
    • MySQL
    • SQLite
    • BigQuery
    • Clickhouse
  • Datafold
  • Looker


  • Select query
  • Cycle through parents queries and back
  • Send query to database and return result in window
  • Query window should have tabs to compare current query with past queries
  • Jinja should automatically be replaces with the actual SQL
  • Macros should be available to for quickly checking queries
    • Insert select * from {{ CTE }} limit 10
    • Replace all {{ ref('relation') }} with the actual db.schema.relation
    • Replace all db.schema.relation with {{ ref('relation') }}