
Configure a complete Rocket.Chat installation using Docker images with Ansible.

Primary LanguageJinja

RocketChat Ansible Config

Installs RocketChat on a given machine. Installation is Docker-based, and is designed to be self-contained in that it also configures Mongo and an HTTPS proxy.


Remaining work, in no particular order:

  • Safe upgrades (explicit trigger with Ansible tag)
    • Docker
    • Docker Compose
    • Rocket.Chat
    • Mongo
    • Swag
  • Backups
    • Save to remote location?
    • Encryption with PGP or similar?
  • Harden VM
    • Additional fail2ban configuration?
    • Unattended system upgrades
  • Configure schedule for git pull and ansible-playbook for automatic upgrades


Assuming a (fresh) standard Azure VM with an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS image:

  • SSH into the VM:
    • ssh -i (private_key_file) (username)@(public_ip)
  • Clone this repository:
    • git clone https://github.com/tomnz/rocketchat-ansible-docker.git
    • cd rocketchat-ansible-docker
  • Configure prerequisites (view setup.sh for details):
    • chmod +x setup.sh
    • sudo bash -c './setup.sh'
  • Set environment variable for domain, e.g.:
    • echo "export ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN=chat.example.com" >> ~/.bash_profile
    • source ~/.bash_profile
  • Provision Ansible:
    • ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
    • ansible-playbook -v -i hosts.yml playbook.yml --extra-vars "{\"rocketchat_domain\": \"${ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN}\"}"


  • SSH into the VM.
    • ssh -i (private_key_file) (username)@(public_ip)
  • Pull the repository:
    • cd ~/rocketchat-ansible-docker
    • git pull
  • Provision Ansible:
    • ansible-playbook -v -i hosts.yml playbook.yml --extra-vars "{\"rocketchat_domain\": \"${ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN}\"}"


RocketChat keeps its state completely inside of Mongo (unless uploads are configured to store on the filesystem), which means a reliable backup and restore option for the core Mongo database is sufficient for recovery. The Ansible configuration establishes a cron to take hourly backups of the relevant data.

Data is stored using mongodump --oplog, then gzipped and saved to /backup/mongo.

Restore from a backup file can be performed by extracting the backup file, then using mongorestore --oplogReplay <extracted directory>.

RocketChat can be configured to use File System as storage for uploads - in this case, configure the path in RocketChat to /app/uploads. Any files stored there will also be saved on an hourly basis as archives in /backup/rocketchat.

Old backups are cleaned up after 14 days (configurable).

Testing with Vagrant

Test the configuration (both initial setup, and further updates) locally using Vagrant.

The Vagrantfile defines two VMs:

  • rocketchat is the main VM which mimics a cloud VM.
  • controller is a secondary VM which is used to remotely provision rocketchat using the Ansible playbook.

Install Vagrant and a suitable provider for your OS such as VirtualBox. On Windows I recommend running inside WSL with the additional setup steps.

Running for the first time

vagrant up

Once the node is provisioned, you should now be able to confirm that RocketChat is running at:

SSH into Rocket.Chat VM for testing

vagrant ssh rocketchat
# Run any commands you like from here, e.g.
docker logs rocketchat

Testing an incremental Ansible run

This is useful for validating idempotent Ansible runs - making sure updates happen, data isn't wiped out, etc.

vagrant provision --provision-with playbook

Testing a new Ansible run

vagrant destroy
vagrant up