
Technical Test for tray.io application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

This is the code for the tray.io React Engineer application technical test (April 2018).

Running the application

First you will need to clone it (git clone https://github.com/tomoakley/trayio-technical-test), then run npm install. Next, run npm run start and it will build the app. If the browser doesn't open, go to http://localhost:3000.


  • I haven't been able to write any tests for the application, I simply didn't have enough time. If you want me to, I can write the tests but it will take a few more days.
  • I have slightly mis-implemented the spec - it says to list the patches of dirt to generate in the room, however my application simply generates them randomly. Again, with more time I could fix this
  • There is a console warning from React - this is due to how I have generated the room tiles. I used the Lodash.fill method to fill an array of rows, where each row contains the number of tiles specified as the x co-ordinate of the room size. However, the fill method has no iterable value, which I could use as the important key value to assist in React's change detection. I can change how these tiles are generated if necessary.
  • The design is quite bad, sorry. I chose to focus on the JavaScript and functionality side of the application rather than the CSS/aesthetics/UX
  • In some places the code is a little rough, sorry. I hope you understand I had limited time to work on this and would implement some further linters to improve the code quality. Also, I would chose to implement either Flow.js or TypeScript for better type-checking.
  • The error checking for the initial setup of the room, robot and dirt is quite poor. I would endeavour to improve this and stop some actions getting through to Redux, instead using more client/browser validation

I hope it's good enough! Thank you for taking the time to evaluate my code.