
A command-line utility to manage Keep-a-changelog formatted changelogs. Written in Go, works nicely on Monorepo.

Primary LanguageGoMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


Go Reference Test on Linux Release codecov

GitHub All Releases

A small command-line utility to manage CHANGELOG.md written in keepachangelog.com format.

Works nicely on any sized Git repository, even awesome on Monorepo.


Please download ZIP archive from releases page.

How it works

Run release to show full list of commands and flags.

List all CHANGELOG.md

release target will show you all CHANGELOG.md files recursively.

release target
release target --dir path/to/entrypoint
release t -d path/to/entrypoint

See unreleased changes

release unreleased will grab [Unreleased] sections of all CHANGELOG.md files recursively.

release unreleased
release unreleased --dir path/to/entrypoint
release u -d path/to/entrypoint

See previous versions

release show will output all previous version histories.

release show -v 0.1.0
release show -v 0.1.0 --dir path/to/entrypoint
release s -v 0.1.0 -d path/to/entrypoint

Show the latest released version in current directory

release latest
release latest --newline=false
release l

Bump all [Unreleased] sections to given version

By default, release to -v X.Y.Z will ask you for confirmation.

release to -v 0.2.0

# Targets
## .github/workflows/CHANGELOG.md
✔ Enter `yes` to update all CHANGELOGs to version [0.8.0]: yes

If you want to integrate with CI pipeline, use --force or -f.

release to -v 0.2.0 --force

# Targets
## .github/workflows/CHANGELOG.md --> ✅
## CHANGELOG.md --> ✅

See next release version

release next will suggest you the next available version.

release next

Latest released version: 0.8.0

Suggestions for next release:
   - Major / Release --> 1.0.0
   - Minor / Feature --> 0.9.0
   - Patch / Hotfix  --> 0.8.1

For CI integrations, add --type flag. The words major, minor and patch comes from Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 idiom.

release next --type major

release next --type minor

release next --type patch

Note this command will not add newline when --type flag is specified. Use --newline flag if you prefer to see the newline.

release next --type major --newline

GitFlow idiom is also supported.

release next --type release

release next --type feature

release next --type hotfix

Github-style semver vx.y.z

The tool also supports Github-style semver:

release show -v v0.1.0
release to -v v0.2.0



make run


make test


make build


MacOS "developer cannot be verified" error

Note MacOS Catalina will warn you when executing this binary in command-line. Follow these steps to give your permission.

  1. In the Finder on your Mac, unzip the release app and open the release binary
  2. MacOS will prompt you to enable the binary, so answer yes
  3. Now you can use the binary from command-line.


Mozilla Public License v2.0