
convert mwb (MySQL Workbench file format) to sql

Primary LanguageShell


What is this?

mwb2sql is a shell command utility to produce sql file from mwb file (file format of MySQL Workbench).


on Windows

mwb2sql.bat sample/test.mwb a.sql

on Linux (with GUI)

sh mwb2sql.sh sample/test.mwb a.sql

on Linux (without GUI)

Xvfb :1 &
DISPLAY=:1 sh mwb2sql.sh sample/test.mwb a.sql

Known Issues

  • MySQL Workbench application always displays a window even if a script option is specified.
  • generateSQLCreateStatements function seems to have a option that control the behavior of dumping sql, but the option has no effect. (I can't find the way to enable the option).
    This has been reported to the MySQL team at: https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=84390 - if interested in a fix please create a bugs.mysql.com account and click the 'Affects me' button.