
AwkwardLineShare is a simple drawing app that can share each lines with other sockets using socket.io

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


AwkwardLineShare is a simple drawing app that can share each lines with other sockets using socket.io


  • can draw a awkward-line with 1st-dimension perlin noise
  • can share your drawing with the other sockets
  • forground only
  • it's just a sample to examine realtimeness of socket.io.

How to use


  1. Prepare your nodejs environment (nodebrew is fast).
  2. Just Install socket.io by npm install socket.io command where you want to run node.
  3. Place awkwardLineShareServer.js at the same dir as node_module folder.
  4. Just Run with node awkwardLineShareServer (or if you want to debug, you can use DEBUG*= node awkwardLineShareServer)

::attension:: Don't forget to open 3000 inbound port of your server. For your reference, my environment is:

  • Amazon Linux AMI release 2014.09
  • node v0.12.0
  • socket.io v1.3.5


Change kWebSocketHostName in ViewController.h file with yours. Be ware HostName doesn't start with http:// but start with ws://.

The project uses cocoapods. so you have to run pod install.
