
This React Native project provides a way to mock Camera functionality on iOS Simulator

Primary LanguageTypeScript

React Native Simulator Camera


What's this?

  • This React Native project provides a way to mock Camera functionality on iOS Simulator
  • No Native Code required. Everything runs on TypeScript.
  • This project uses Expo for a easy environment setup purpose but technically you can use the code base to a bare React Native project.

Why do you need this?

  • Sometimes you want to simulate Camera on a simulator to mimick the actual production application. You want to capture a random photo rather than picking an image from Gallery.

How to run this

  • Clone the repo
  • Run the command below
expo install & expo start --ios

How does it work?

  • There is a thin wrapper function component which mocks Camera functionality.
  • If it's running on Simulator, download an image from placeholder generator sites.
  • Randomly change the size of image to fetch in order to get different types of an image
const mockDLUrl = () => {
  const size = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 6) * 120;
  return `https://fillmurray.com/${size}/${size}`;

  const cameraRef = React.useRef<Camera | null>(null);
  const isEmulator = !DeviceInfo.isDevice;
  const { style, onCameraReady, type } = props;

  // if it's running on Simulator, immediately return that camera is ready
  useEffect(() => {
    if (isEmulator) {
  }, [isEmulator, onCameraReady]);

  const takePictureAsync = async (
    options: CameraPictureOptions
  ): Promise<PictureResult> => {
    if (cameraRef.current instanceof Camera) {
      return cameraRef?.current?.takePictureAsync(options);

    // When running on Simulator, get random file from the internet
    const downloadPath = `${
    await FileSystem.downloadAsync(mockDLUrl(), downloadPath);
    return {
      uri: downloadPath,

  const pausePreview = () => {
    if (cameraRef.current instanceof Camera) {

  const resumePreview = () => {
    if (cameraRef.current instanceof Camera) {

  // Expose the reference to Parent Component
  useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({

  return (
      {isEmulator ? (
        <View style={style} />
      ) : (


  • Placeholder generator sites might have an access limitation. Use it with your own risk.