
Webpack loader for sharing data amongst less and javascript modules

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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This project is not maintained any more. Please try the js-to-styles-var-loader, which is a more flexible loader, it handles Sass, too.


A Webpack loader to share data for less variables between javascript modules and less files

This loader is for that special case when you would like to import data from a javascript module into a less file. The Less loader complains, because importing js module is not a valid less instruction.

The loader only handles the case when you want to inject less variables into a less file via a javascript module.


  • Nodejs >= 6.0
  • Less for css pre-processing
  • Webpack for module bundle
  • Install js-to-less-var-loader npm package into your project: npm i --save js-to-less-var-loader

Setting up Webpack config

Probably you use less-loader with Webpack. The usage in this case is pretty simple: just put this loader before less-loader in your webpack config:

  rules: [
    test: /\.less$/,
    use: [
        loader: "style-loader"
        loader: "css-loader"
        loader: "less-loader"
        loader: "js-to-less-var-loader"


Let's assume we would like to store some variable data in a module like this:

// colors.js

const colors = {
  'fancy-white': '#FFFFFE',
  'fancy-black': '#000001'

module.exports = colors;

You can use this module in your favorite templates / frameworks etc., and you don't want to repeat yourself when using these colors in a less file as variable (e.g. @fancy-white: #FFFFFE; /*...*/ background-color: @fancy-white). In this situation just require your module in the beginning of your less module:


// ...
.some-class {
  background-color: @fancy-white
// ...

The form of the required data is important: it must be an object with key/values pair, the key will be the name of the less variable.


You can use other require form (require('relative/path/to/module').someProperty), too.


Run tests with npm test or npm run test:watch.

The transformer is developed with tdd, so if you would like to contribute, please, write your tests for your new functionality, and send pull request to integrate your changes.