#Markdown Note - a Simple Note Manager
This project is about developing a hybrid mobile app, using test-driven development approach, in Ionic Framework.
The app is a note manager. You can store your notes locally or sync them to your Dropbox, you can update the content of notes and you can filter them by any keyword. You can also use markdown language to style and structure the body of your notes. As regards markdown editing we use the marked library.
You can download the android version of the app from the Google Play.
If you are curious about setting up the development framework, just check out the development.log.md file for the details.
##Prerequisites of building the app
- Node.js
- Install Ionic and Cordova globally:
$ npm install -g ionic cordova
- Clone the project
- Install Node packages:
$ npm install
- Install Bower packages:
$ bower install
- You need Grunt globally:
$ npm install -g grunt
- Follow the Android and iOS platform guides to install required platform dependencies
- Check out Ionic Generator documentation
- I recommend checking out my blogpost about creating hybrid mobile apps with Ionic framework and this post about setting up dev framework for developing ionic app with TDD.
##Serve the app
For running the app in browser just run
$ grunt serve-online
For checking out the production code in your browser run
$ grunt serve-online:production
##Build the app
- Add platform:
$ grunt platform:add:<platform>
(ios / android) - Build the project from the project library:
$ grunt build
As regards android platform you can find your built .apk
in the app/platforms/android/ant-build
###Build for dev environment
If you want to build the app in development environment (for using some built-in dev tools, such as adding a lot of test notes immediately), you can
$ grunt build-dev[:<platform>]
###Build online version
If you want to build the online version, then run
$ grunt build-online
###Build for release:
$ grunt build:<platform> --release
If you didn't have a key then you have to generate one:
$ keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias <your alias name> -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
(You will need this key later so save it watchfully)
Then you can sign your unsigned apk with jarsigner
$ jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-release-key.keystore MarkdownNote-release-unsigned.apk <your alias name>
Finally you have to zipalign
$ zipalign -v 4 MarkdownNote-release-unsigned.apk MarkdownNote.apk
##Run the app on device or emulator
You can
- emulate a device:
$ grunt emulate:<platform>
- run the app on a device: attach your device and
$ grunt run
- share the app via Ionic View
For more information check out Ionic Generator.
##Test the app
The test runs on PhantomJS, using the Karma test runner.
First you want to build the app or run grunt serve-online
. Then you can run your tests with $ grunt test