
Manage all your mining rig from one place, without hassle, and for free


MiningRigsManager is a web application and daemon designed to streamline the management of all your mining rigs while also providing quality of life features.


  • Centralized Management: Manage all your mining rigs from one centralized dashboard, enabling you to monitor and control them efficiently.
  • Real-time Monitoring: Stay updated on the status of your rigs with key metrics such as hashrate, temperature, and power consumption.
  • Alerts and Notifications: Receive alerts and notifications for critical events such as downtime, temperature spikes, or hashrate drops, ensuring timely responses to potential issues.
  • Remote Control: Remotely control your mining rigs, including starting, stopping, or rebooting them, all from the convenience of your web browser, and without the need of 3rd party servers (that oftenly needs to be payed)
  • Quality of Life Features: Additional quality of life features that will be anounced later


TODO Once first version is up and ready Feel free to contact me if you want to take part tho


TODO, but will be mostly open but prohibited for commercial use tho, not here to make money or enable other to make money, we already making money from mining Feel free to donate tho, means to do will come later


All contributors and potentials donors will be acknowledged here


Minimal support will be provided on my discord, link will be available later


  • Making and maintaining Debian images for easy large scale deployment


Contact me everywhere you can find me, or via email (contact@tompointexe.fr)

Note: This is litraly a competitor to HiveOS and similar payed systems, i know i will get hate from thoes people, as I make them lose money That said, I would generate images to use for your rigs, probably based on Debian, for ease of use and deployment of this project