Intro to Galaxy Administration @ Barcelona

2-6 March 2020

Location, Logistics, and Registration

This training will be offered 2-6 March at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center.

See the workshop's Galaxy Community Hub page for details on logistics and registration.

Training VM instances

Galaxy training instances will be bootstrapped with a small Ansible playbook, which you may find useful for repeating the exercises at home using a VM, Docker image, etc.

Important Links


Timetable with sessions and material is being continuously updated. This is NOT final.


This day covers getting a Galaxy server setup with Ansible, a server you will develop for the rest of the week.

2nd March

Time Topic Slides Exercises Instructor
08:30 Registration
09:00 Welcome and introduction Welcome All
09:20 Deployment and platform options Deployment M
09:40 Intro to Ansible Ansible Exercise Ni
10:30 Break (coffee & snacks)
10:45 Galaxy Server Part 1: Basic Install Galaxy Install, Database, uWSGI Exercise H, M, Na
12:00 Lunch (catered)
13:00 Galaxy Server Part 2: Towards Production systemd H, Na
14:00 Break (coffee & snacks)
15:15 Galaxy Server Part 3: Advanced Install Production H, Na
15:45 Galaxy Tool Shed Toolshed M
16:15 Ephemeris Ephemeris Exercise Ni
17:00 Guided tour of the Supercomputing facility


3rd March

Today we pivot to focus on making that server useful: adding tools and data, configuring quotas and authentication

Time Topic Slides Exercises Instructor
09:00 Welcome and questions
09:15 Ephemeris: Continued
10:30 Break (coffee & snacks)
10:45 Users, Groups, and Quotas (+Demo) Slides S
12:30 External authentication Slides Upstream Auth Exercise H
13:00 Lunch (catered)
14:00 Reference Data Slides CVMFS Exercise, Data Manager Exercise Na
15:00 Exploring the Galaxy job configuration file Slides job_conf.xml M
15:45 Connecting Galaxy to a compute cluster Slides Exercise Na
17:00 Close Day 2


4th March

Time Topic Slides Exercises Instructor
09:00 Welcome and questions
09:15 Connecting Galaxy to a compute cluster (continued) Slides Exercise Na
10:45 Break (coffee & snacks)
11:00 BioBlend Slides Exercise Ni
12:00 Pulsar Slides Exercise H
13:00 Lunch (catered)
14:00 Storage management Exercise H
15:00 Monitoring Part 1: Reports Reports Exercise M
15:30 Break (coffee & snacks)
15:45 Monitoring Part2: DB queries, command line & scripts Slides gxadmin H
16:15 Monitoring Part 3: Telegraf, InfluxDB, Grafana Slides Telegraf Exercise S
17:00 Close day 3


5th March

Time Topic Slides Exercises Instructor
09:00 Welcome and questions
09:15 Monitoring Part 3: Telegraf, InfluxDB, Grafana (continued) Slides Telegraf Exercise S
10:15 Maintenance, Backup and Restore Slides Na
10:45 Break (coffee & snacks)
11:00 TIaaS TIaaS Exercise H & S
12:30 Recording Job Metrics Exercise Na
12:45 Interactive Tools Slides Exercise Na
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Interactive Tools Slides Exercise Na
15:00 Dev vs Prod (Conversation) Na
15:30 Break (coffee & snacks)
15:45 Jenkins & Automation Exercise H
16:35 Advanced Customisation Slides H
17:00 Wrap up and close


6th March

The last day! We made it. Today we have some additional topics, some of which are not admin related. Please feel free to leave at any point in the day and go enjoy Barcelona if the topics are maybe a bit less interesting for you.

Time Topic Slides Exercises Instructor
09:00 Welcome and questions
09:15 When things go wrong: Galaxy Server Troubleshooting Slides Na
10:45 Break (coffee & snacks & survey)
11:00 What's new in Galaxy Slides M
11:45 Python 2 to Python 3! Docs Ni
12:00 Tool Development Slides Exercise Ni
13:00 Lunch (catered)
14:00 Dataset collections DCs, Rule based M
14:30 Developing your own Training Setting up, Exercise S
15:00 Wrap up and close


  • (H)elena Rasche - Galaxy Europe
  • (S)askia Hiltemann - Erasmus Medical Center, the Netherlands
  • (Na)te Coraor - Galaxy Project, Penn State University, United States
  • (M)arius van den Beek - Galaxy Project, Penn State University, Europe
  • (Ni)cola Soranzo - Earlham Institute