
WARNING: this is a prototype, not meant for production. Identity checker for linked open data

Primary LanguagePython


Identity checker for linked open data


  • find connected concepts
  • estimate likelihood of coinciding identity

#To do

  • count datapoints containing sameAs statements in LOD laundromat
  • create RESTful API endpoint to allow querying
  • design reliability metric

#To deploy:


  • Tomcat Server (included in XAMPP, or seperate install)]
  • OpenRDF Sesame Triple store
  • Flask


  • Put Sesame .war files in Tomcats Webapps folder
  • Start Tomcat and navigate to tomcat in browser (on localhost:8080/openrdf-workbench (or different server))
  • Create OWLIM-Lite repository named "AR-AI" using identity.nq and OWL2-RL reasoning framework.
  • Start api.py using python and navigate to localhost:5000/api/identity?uri="##used URI##" or localhost:5000/api/compare?uri1=##first URI##&uri2=##second URI## to query, or use interface (limited) by going to localhost:5000.