Views are visually interactable components for use in applications.
- Deck.js: A Sequential Layout that can be opened and closed with animations.
- EdgeSwapper.js: Container which handles swapping renderables from the edge of its parent context.
- Flipper.js: Allows you to link two renderables as front and back sides that can be 'flipped' back and forth along a chosen axis.
- GridLayout.js: A layout which divides a context into several evenly-sized grid cells.
- HeaderFooterLayout.js: A layout which will arrange three renderables into a header and footer area of defined size, and a content area of flexible size.
- Lightbox.js:
- RenderController.js: Show, hide, or switch between different renderables with a configurable transitions and in/out states
- ScrollContainer.js: A scrollview added within a container surface.
- Scroller.js: Doc: TODO
- Scrollview.js: Lays out the sequenced renderables sequentially and makes them scrollable.
- SequentialLayout.js: Lays out specified renderables sequentially.
- Mark Lu
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