
A web-based game for mobiles. A jackbox-style implementation of The Name Game

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A web-based, multiplayer game for mobiles. If you've never played, it's kind of like Articulate or Charades.


The Name Game has players join teams and write out custom names of celebrities, fictional characters, et cetera.
Names are drawn at random from the list of names created by all players at the start of the game.
Teams take turns, with one player describing the names and their team attempting to guess the names.
Each round gets progressively harder, with more restrictions on the describing of names.
The goal of each team is to get as many names guessed correctly within the time limit.

  • Suitable for 4+ players, however best at 6-12 players.
  • Best played in-person, but it's also okay over a video call, going to need cameras turned on for round 4.
  • Each Player will need to join via their own device (best optimised for smartphone).


    Create A Game

    • Set the game name
    • Set the number of teams
    • Set the number of names per player
    • Set the turn time limit
    • Choose which rounds to play

    Join A Game

    • Select a game and join
    • Select a game and delete. This will kick all players


    • Change your name
    • Change a team's name
    • Assign players to teams
    • Kick players from the game
    • Start the game

    Write Names

    • Write Names
    • Submit
    • Wait until all players have submitted
    • Start Game

    The Name Game

      Describing (Red Background)

      • Start your turn
      • A timer will start
      • Describe the name on screen (refer to rules)
      • Press the button when your team guesses correctly
      • Press concede if you break the rules or if you simply give up on the current name
      • Your turn is over when the timer runs out

      Guessing (Yellow Background)

      • Watch and Listen to the describer
      • Shout guesses or ask questions

      Other Teams (Turquoise Background)

      • If rules have been broken, ensure the other team concedes the turn
      • Otherwise say nothing, but make sure to watch the current team's turn
      • Learning those names and their explanations will help you in future rounds


When Describing

  • If you break any of these rules, you'll need to end your turn early using the concede button.
  • Make up your own rules if you like. I've found these rules make for the fairest gameplay:

  1. Adhere to the restrictions of the current round (shown at the top of the game screen)
    In Round x: Your explanation can use y words:
    • Round 1: Unlimited words.
    • Round 2: Up to 3 words.
    • Round 3: Up to 1 word.
    • Round 4: No words, miming only.

  2. Don't use the name itself, or part of the name, in your explanation
    • eg. Name: John Howard  Don't say: "first name John, PM with big eyebrows"

  3. Don't use a letter within the name in your explanation
    • eg. Name: Donald Trump  Don't say: "starts with a D" or "ends with a..."

  4. Don't use a "Rhymes with x" in your explanation
    • eg. Name: Bilbo Baggins  Don't say: "Rhymes with Schmilbo Schmaggins"



  • Python 3
    • flask
    • flask-socketio
    • sqlite3


  1. download/install python 3
  2. download/install pip
  3. run pip install -r requirements.txt t to install python libraries
  4. run app.py