
Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Tom's Simple Grid

Sass library for generating a basic flexbox based grid. Requires Dart Sass.

Include in your project with @use 'node_modules/toms-simple-grid', or using with to configure it:

@use 'node_modules/toms-simple-grid' with (
	$grid-sizes: (
		"*": (1, 12),
		"sm": (1, 6, 12),
		"md": (1, 6, 12),
	$grid-width: 800px

When building your project, include node_modules in your load path, for example using Dart Sass:

sass input.scss output.scss -I node_modules

See _index.scss for a full list of variables you can modify.


When installing this package locally for development, the dependencies will not link to the correct folder. To get around this, you have to add the dependencies to the load path manually.

sass input.scss output.css -I node_modules/toms-simple-grid/node_modules