
Heatmaps from (strava) gpx data

Primary LanguagePython


Generate heatmap pictures from gpx data, optional strava downloader.

  1. Run download.py to get your strava gpx data
    • Use the --quick option if you've run it before and just want to get your latest activities
  2. Run draw.py to create some pictures
    • You can either cluster by common location, enter a lat-lon pair, use your current location (by ip), or plot all tracks


  • ./draw.py cluster --activity-type 9:

    • a heatmap
  • ./draw.py cluster --line-color cmap:terrain --activity-type 9 --line-alpha .5

    • if the line color has the form cmap:<name> the color map name after the colon will be used. the color level will be determined by the each track's altitude information normalized to the min and max values over all tracks
    • another heatmap
  • ./draw.py cluster --line-color lcmap:plasma --activity-type 9 --line-alpha .5:

    • if the line color has the form l(ocal)cmap:<name> the color map name after the colon will be used. the color level will be determined by the altitude information normalized to the min and max values of each individual track
    • a third heatmap


for available colors look at the named colors page or use a color from the xkcd color survey with --<target>-color xkcd:<color name>. for colormaps look here