
LaTeX Beamer template based upon the 2021 Powerpoint templates

Primary LanguageTeX

MPIDR LaTeX Beamer-template-21

LaTeX Beamer template based upon the 2021 Powerpoint templates of the Max-Planck-Institute for demographic research.

Feel free to open issues or propose changes.

The most up-to-date version will (probably) be on GitHub: https://github.com/tomthe/mpidr-beamer-template-21

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The stork color theme

The stork color theme is a beamer color theme based on the corporate design of the MPIDR (see the 2021 Powerpoint template). Using this color theme allows you to pick your preferred beamer (outer) theme (i.e. the general layout of your slides) and have titles, sidebars, list items etc. use MPIDR colors.

How to use the color theme

Add the file beamercolorthemestork.sty to the directory of your beamer presentation or to the directory where your other beamer themes live.

Add \usecolortheme{stork} to your preamble to activate it.

Does it matter where in the preamble I load the color theme?

In beamer, changes to themes are cumulative. This means that themes that are loaded later in the preamble add to or override themes loaded earlier. If you would like to change a specific element of your presentation to a specific color, you can load another color theme in which that that color is defined first and load the stork color theme afterwards. Or you can define the color and the element in the sty file. Look through some of the color themes that come with beamer to get an idea of which elements can be changed.

How did you pick the colors?

This color theme uses the colors from the Powerpoint template (2021).

We do not give any guarantees that all colors defined by all themes are covered in this themes or that they work together harmoniously. We defined the major colors (structure, palette {primary,secondary,tertiary,quaternary}, sidebar, palette sidebar {primary,secondary,tertiary,quaternary}, alerted text) but there are many more specific ones and we only did some cursory checks against the default theme, one theme with a footer (Boadilla), one theme with a sidebar (Bergen), and one theme with a sidebar talk outline (Berkeley).

Why stork?

Till Landau named his color themes after flying animals. We follow his example. The symbol of the Max Planck Society is the owl, but we wanted something more specific to our institute. Our first idea was "seagull" but sadly that was already taken. Then we thought about demography's themes: mortality, fertility, and migration. Mortality seemed a bit morbid. Everyone knows that babies are delivered by storks. Job done. There is also the Rostocker Pfeilstorch which provides a nice link between fertility, migration, and Rostock.

Can I get a nice logo in my beamer presentation?

If you're lucky, adding this line to the preamble adds a logo: \logo{\includegraphics[<options>]{<path_to_the_logo_file>}}

Not all themes define a place for the logo. The logo placement is defined in the outer theme. If the logo does not show up, use a different (outer) theme.

See section 8.2.5 of the beamer user guide (p. 72) for more information.