
Puppet module to install and manage puppetboard

Primary LanguagePuppetOtherNOASSERTION


This is the puppetboard puppet module.

Puppetboard is a puppet dashboard



puppet module install nibalizer-puppetboard


Note that this module no longer explicitly requires the puppetlabs apache module. If you want to use the apache functionality of this module you will have to specify that the apache module is installed with:

puppet module install puppetlabs-apache

This module also requires the git and virtualenv packages. These can be enabled in the module by:

class { 'puppetboard':
  manage_git        => true,
  manage_virtualenv => true,

or by:

class { 'puppetboard':
  manage_git        => 'latest',
  manage_virtualenv => 'latest',


Declare the base puppetboard manifest:

class { 'puppetboard': }


If you want puppetboard accessible through Apache and you're able to use the official puppetlabs/apache Puppet module, this module contains two classes to help configuration.

The first, puppetboard::apache::vhost, will use the apache::vhost defined-type to create a full virtual host. This is useful if you want puppetboard to be available from http://pboard.example.com:

# Configure Apache on this server
class { 'apache': }
class { 'apache::mod::wsgi': }

# Configure Puppetboard
class { 'puppetboard': }

# Access Puppetboard through pboard.example.com
class { 'puppetboard::apache::vhost':
  vhost_name => 'pboard.example.com',

The second, puppetboard::apache::conf, will create an entry in /etc/apache2/conf.d (or /etc/httpd/conf.d, depending on your distribution). This is useful if you simply want puppetboard accessible from http://example.com/puppetboard:

# Configure Apache
# Ensure it does *not* purge configuration files
class { 'apache':
  purge_configs => false,
  mpm_module    => 'prefork',
  default_vhost => true,
  default_mods  => false,

class { 'apache::mod::wsgi': }

# Configure Puppetboard
class { 'puppetboard': }

# Access Puppetboard from example.com/puppetboard
class { 'puppetboard::apache::conf': }


RedHat has restrictions on the /etc/apache directory that require wsgi to be configured to use /var/run.

  class { 'apache::mod::wsgi':
    wsgi_socket_prefix => "/var/run/wsgi",

Apache, RedHat and a non-standard port

# Configure Apache on this server
class { 'apache': }
class { 'apache::mod::wsgi':
  wsgi_socket_prefix => "/var/run/wsgi",

# Configure Puppetboard
class { 'puppetboard': }

# Access Puppetboard through pboard.example.com
class { 'puppetboard::apache::vhost':
  vhost_name => 'puppetboard.example.com',
  port => '8888',


Apache 2


Email: krum.spencer@gmail.com IRC: #puppetboard and #puppet on freenode


The core of this module was based on Hunter Haugen's puppetboard-vagrant repo.


Please log tickets and issues on github.