
Dockerized osTicket

Primary LanguagePHP


This is a Docker container containing osTicket.

Available for linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 as rinkp/osticket-dockerized and ghcr.io/rinkp/osticket-dockerized

An example docker-compose.yml file is provided as well. This includes a local database instance, but you can also deploy the image with an external database server.
When using the local database instance, note that the first start will take an extra 30 seconds since MariaDB has to start.

Configuration happens through environment variables. These are listed below. Additionally, it is possible to store a ost-config.php file in /config/ost-config.php (e.g. file mount).

Variable name Default Description
OST_SECRET_SALT None, mandatory 32-character random string (generate here)
OST_ADMIN_EMAIL None, mandatory Email address used for database connection errors as well as the username for the first admin user
OST_ADMIN_PASSWD None, mandatory The initial password for the admin user
OST_DBTYPE mysql MySQL Database type
OST_DBHOST MySQL Database host
OST_DBNAME osticket MySQL Database name
OST_DBUSER root MySQL Database user
OST_DBPASS MySQL Database password
OST_TABLE_PREFIX ost_ MySQL Database prefix
None, optional MySQL SSL settings (in case MySQL server requires certificate connections). Paths to files (e.g. in a mount on /config).
OST_MAIL_EOL \n Change line ending in case your email server requires other line endings
OST_TRUSTED_PROXIES To detect IPs and protocols correctly in case osTicket is behind a reverse proxy (useful for lockouts and forcing HTTPS)
OST_LOCAL_NETWORKS Whitelist authentication for these IPs
OST_SESSION_SESSID OSTSESSID Session name for session cookie
osTicket supports memcache as SESSION_BACKEND if the 'memcache' pecl extesion is installed. This also requires MEMCACHE_SERVERS to be configured as well.

Additionally, the container is configured to use 'opcache' for performance improvements. The settings for this can be modified using these environment variables.

Variable name Default Description
PHP_OPCACHE_VALIDATE_TIMESTAMPS 0 Whether to check if a PHP file has been changed before executing using the cache. If 0, you have to restart the container after updates to PHP files.
PHP_OPCACHE_MAX_ACCELERATED_FILES 16229 The maximum number of files in the cache
PHP_OPCACHE_MEMORY_CONSUMPTION 384 The amount of memory (in MB) that can be used by 'opcache'
PHP_OPCACHE_MAX_WASTED_PERCENTAGE 10 The maximum percentage of wasted memory before 'opcache' is cleared