=== Lightweight Social Icons ===
Contributors: edge22
Donate link: https://generatepress.com/ongoing-development
Tags: social icons, social media, social networking, social profiles, social icon widget
Requires at least: 4.5
Tested up to: 5.4
Stable tag: 1.1
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

Looking to add simple social icons to your widget areas? Choose the size and color of your icons, and then choose from 47 different social profiles.

== Description ==

Lightweight Social Icons is an easy to use, lightweight social icon widget which lets you display your favorite social profile icons.

The icons use an icon font, meaning you can choose the size, border radius (roundess), color and hover color of your icons!

Check out GeneratePress, our awesome WordPress theme! (http://wordpress.org/themes/generatepress)

= Features include: =

* Choose your own order
* Icon size
* Border radius
* Background color
* Text/icon color
* Background color on hover
* Text/icon color on hover
* Open links in new window
* Enable/disable tooltips
* Alignment of icons

= Included icons: =

* Facebook
* Twitter
* Google+
* Instagram
* LinkedIn
* Pinterest
* Flickr
* Email
* Stumbleupon
* Tumblr
* Vimeo
* YouTube
* Github
* Soundcloud
* DeviantArt
* Phone
* Skype
* Dribbble
* Foursquare
* Reddit
* Spotify
* Digg
* Vine
* Codepen
* Delicious
* JSFiddle
* Stack Overflow
* WordPress
* Dropbox
* Steam
* Behance
* iTunes
* Yelp
* 500px
* AngelList
* Blog Lovin'
* Paper Plane (Newsletter)
* VK
* Xing
* Bandcamp
* BitBucket
* Snapchat
* Trip Advisor
* Houzz
* Mixcloud
* Last.fm

== Installation ==

There's two ways to install Lightweight Social Icons.

1. Go to "Plugins > Add New" in your Dashboard and search for: Lightweight Social Icons
2. Download the .zip from WordPress.org, and upload the folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory via FTP.

In most cases, #1 will work fine and is way easier.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= How do I add a widget with my icons? =

* Make sure Lightweight Social Icons is activated.
* Navigate to "Appearance > Widgets" and look for the "Lightweight Social Icons" widget.
* Drag the widget into your desired widget area.

Once the widget is added to a widget area, you can expand it and fill in your profiles.

= What options does Lightweight Social Icons have? =

* Choose your own order
* Title (optional): Choose a title for your widget.
* Icon size: Choose the size of the icon font.
* Border radius: Choose the border radius of the icon. Border radius refers to the "roundness" of the button.
* Background color: The background color of the button.
* Text Color: The icon color.
* Background hover color: The background color of the button when you hover over it.
* Text hover color: The color of the icon when you hover over the button.
* Open link in a new window?: Choose to open all of the links in a new window/tab.
* Alignment: Choose to align the button to the left, center or right.

= How do I add my social profile URLs? =

In the select box on the left, choose your desired social media site.

To the right of the select box, enter in the URL of your profile on that specific social media site.

The "Skype" option takes your Skype username.

The "Phone" option takes your phone number.

= Can I assign different colors to each icon? =

Not at this time (without custom CSS of course). We're hoping to add this feature soon.

= Can I display my icons with a shortcode? =

Not by default, but you can use a plugin like this: https://wordpress.org/plugins/widget-shortcode/

It allows you to add the widget to an arbitrary widget area, and then you can call that widget using a shortcode elsewhere in your website.

== Screenshots ==

1. Set your options and choose which social profiles you want to show off.
2. All of the icons in a widget with tooltips enabled.
3. Icons with a different color.

== Changelog ==

= 1.1 =
* Add rel="noopener noreferrer" to links opening in new windows

= 1.0.1 =
* Fix styling issue with themes that don't add widget ID

= 1.0 =
* Code cleanup
* Fix widget controls in the Customizer
* Fix compatibility error with Site Origin Page Builder
* Fix color picker labels
* Use flexbox for admin controls

= 0.9 =
* Fix a couple stray PHP notices
* New icon: Snapchat
* New icon: Trip Advisor
* New icon: Houzz
* New icon: Mixcloud
* New icon: Last.fm
* Updated icon: Google+
* Updated icon: Instagram
* Remove query strings from font
* Update text domain to use WP.org translations
* Minify style.css

= 0.8 =
* Fix incompatibility with Custom Sidebars plugin
* Hide empty fields by default - click "Add Icon" button to show more fields
* Alphabetize list of icons
* Disable open in new window with email/contact button
* New icon: Xing
* New icon: Bandcamp
* New icon: BitBucket

= 0.7 =
* Fix warning

= 0.6 =
* Allow addition of new icons via lsi_icons_defaults filter

= 0.5 =
* Fix iTunes icon

= 0.4 =
* Add filter to rel attribute: lsi_icon_rel_attribute
* Add filter to title attribute: lsi_icon_title_attribute
* Steam icon added
* Behance icon added
* iTunes icon added
* Yelp icon added
* 500px icon added
* AngelList icon added
* Blog Lovin' icon added
* Paper Plane (newsletter) icon added
* VK icon added

= 0.3 =
* Add display:block to ul container
* French translation added
* Contact can be email address or link to contact page
* Fix Skype button
* Optimize to work better in Customizer

= 0.2 =
* Minor changes made

= 0.1 =
* Initial release

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.0.1 =
* Fix styling issue with themes that don't add widget ID

= 1.0 =
* Code cleanup
* Fix compatibility error with Site Origin Page Builder
* Fix color picker labels

= 0.9 =
* Fix a couple stray PHP notices
* New icon: Snapchat
* New icon: Trip Advisor
* New icon: Houzz
* New icon: Mixcloud
* New icon: Last.fm
* Updated icon: Google+
* Updated icon: Instagram
* Remove query strings from font
* Update text domain to use WP.org translations
* Minify style.css

= 0.8 =
* Fix incompatibility with Custom Sidebars plugin
* Hide empty fields by default - click "Add Icon" button to show more fields
* Alphabetize list of icons
* Disable open in new window with email/contact button
* New icon: Xing
* New icon: Bandcamp
* New icon: BitBucket

= 0.7 =
* Fix warning

= 0.6 =
* Allow addition of new icons via lsi_icons_defaults filter

= 0.5 =
* Fix iTunes icon

= 0.4 =
* Add filter to rel attribute: lsi_icon_rel_attribute
* Add filter to title attribute: lsi_icon_title_attribute
* Steam icon added
* Behance icon added
* iTunes icon added
* Yelp icon added
* 500px icon added
* AngelList icon added
* Blog Lovin' icon added
* Paper Plane (newsletter) icon added
* VK icon added

= 0.3 =
* Add display:block to ul container
* French translation added
* Contact can be email address or link to contact page
* Fix Skype button
* Optimize to work better in Customizer

= 0.2 =
* Minor changes made

= 0.1 =
* Initial release