
Installation & Setup

  1. Make sure the following items have been installed on your machine:

    • Java 7 or 8
    • Git (if you like a pretty interface to deal with git, try SourceTree)
    • Maven
  2. Install Oracle VirtualBox

  3. Install Vagrant (on Mac and Windows the installer will make sure that vagrant command is known in the command prompt)

  4. Clone this repository into your workspace

  5. Open a command prompt, go to the redisinitiationworkshop/vagrant folder and run

    vagrant up

    This will start up the vagrant box. The first time will take a while as it has to download the OS image and other dependencies.

    Shutting down the vagrant box can be done by typing

    vagrant halt

    You can restore the environment back to a clean, working state (in case things go south) by typing

    vagrant provision

    You can SSH into the virtual environment with

    vagrant ssh

    And when you're done playing around, you can remove all traces of it with

    vagrant destroy
  6. Import the maven projects into IDE of your choice

  7. Run the tests of to verify everything has been setup correctly

Known issues

  • IntelliJ users: In some rare cases you might need to set the working directory in the running configurations to $MODULE_DIR$

    To avoid this issue, we'll be using a 32bit box for this workshop.