
Clean the Docker Registry by removing untagged repositories. The optional flag -x may be used to remove repositories or tagged images

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Clean the Docker Registry by removing untagged repositories and running the garbage collector in Docker Registry >= 2.4.0

Docker image available at ghcr.io/ricardobranco777/clean_registry:latest

The optional -x flag may be used to remove the specified repositories or tagged images.

Build Status

NOTE: With Docker Registry >= 2.7.0 you can run the garbage collector with the -m (--delete-untagged) option to remove untagged repositories but it doesn't work with multi-arch images as noted in this bug. The only workaround is to avoid multi-arch images and add the archictecture name to the tag.

This project is deprecated by regview which uses the Docker Registry API to delete manifests.


  • Make backups to avoid losing data.

  • This script stops the Registry container during cleanup to prevent corruption, making it temporarily unavailable to clients.

  • This script assumes the filesystem storage driver.

Running standalone

This script may be run as stand-alone with Python 3.6+ (local Docker setups) or dockerized (which supports both local and remote Docker setups). To run stand-alone, the best is to run in virtualenv and install required packages via pip:

virtualenv --python=python3 .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

You may need to execute above commands as privileged user to access docker service (sudo + activate virtualenv).


Usage: clean_registry.py [OPTIONS] VOLUME|CONTAINER [REPOSITORY[:TAG]]...
        -x, --remove    Remove the specified images or repositories.
        -q, --quiet     Supress non-error messages.
        -v, --volume    Specify a volume instead of container.
        -V, --version   Show version and exit.

Docker usage with local Docker setup

docker run --rm --volumes-from CONTAINER -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ricardobranco/clean_registry [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [REPOSITORY[:TAG]] ...

Docker usage with remote Docker setup

Make sure to read about remote Docker setup.

docker run --rm --volumes-from CONTAINER -e DOCKER_HOST -e DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=1 -v /root/.docker:/root/.docker ricardobranco/clean_registry [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [REPOSITORY[:TAG]]...


Paths other than /root/.docker path may be specified with the DOCKER_CERT_PATH environment variable. In any case, your ~/.docker/*.pem files should be in the server to be able to run as a client against itself.