
Command-line executable to re-run a given command every time files are modified in or below the current directory.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


Command-line executable Python script to re-run the given command every time
files are modified in the current directory or its subdirectories.



    rerun [--help|-h] [--verbose|-v] [--ignore|-i=<file>] [--version] <command>


    <command>           Command to execute as a single arg, i.e. put it inside
                        double quotes, or else spaces and other special
                        characters should be escaped.
    --help|-h           Show this help message and exit.
    --ignore|-i=<file>  File or directory to ignore. Any directories of the
                        given name (and their subdirs) are excluded from the
                        search for changed files. Any modification to files of
                        the given name are ignored. The given value is
                        compared to basenames, so for example, "--ignore=def"
                        will skip the contents of directory "./abc/def/" and
                        will ignore file "./ghi/def". Can be specified multiple
    --verbose|-v        Display the names of changed files before the command
    --version           Show version number and exit.



    rerun --verbose --ignore=myoutputdir "python -m unittest mymodule"

This will run your tests whenever you save your source code in the current
dir or its subdirectories, but it won't rerun the tests a second time when .pyo
files get updated as a result of executing the tests, nor when our program
writes to myoutputdir.

This is handy for seeing the new test results in another console window after
you hit 'save' in your editor, without having to change window focus.


Rerun detects changes to files by polling file modification times once per
second. It looks in the current directory and all its subdirectories. On
detecting any changes, it clears the terminal and reruns the given command.

It always ignores directories called .svn, .git, .hg, .bzr, build and dist.
Additions to this list can be given using --ignore.

It always ignores files ending with .pyc or .pyo. This isn't currently

While polling sounds sub-optimal, I've yet to encounter a project large
enough that rerun's resource usage was even noticeable. (Plus, see discussion
of 'watchdog' below.)


Tested on MacOSX, Ubuntu, WindowsXP, Windows 7.

Tested on Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.4.

Python 2.6 requires argparse to be installed -
see requirements_2.6.txt.

No other dependencies.


To run tests requires mock, tox. On Python 2.6 also requires unittest2. 
See requirements_dev.txt and requirements_dev_2.6.txt.

See Makefile for a cheatsheet of commonly used commands I use while hacking
on this.



    pip install rerun

Known Problems

See issues at https://github.com/tartley/rerun/issues


PyPI package 'watchdog' is a cross-platform library for handling file-system
events, which includes script 'watchmedo', which looks like a more serious and
heavy-duty version of 'Rerun'.


However, watchmedo doesn't seem to work for my primary use case, which is
re-running tests when files are saved by Vim. This is due to the way Vim writes
to temporary files and then moves the temp file to overwrite data atomically.
Vim thus guarantees that the user never loses data, but also fails to generate
the correct FS events that watchmedo is looking for.


Huge thanks to StackOverflow user 'rici', for explaining how to interpret
shell aliases and functions in the given command using an interactive shell,
and then how to retrieve the lost terminal once that shell terminates.

Thanks to Bitbucket user sgourley for reporting, chasing up and even
offering to fix issue #1, an egregious bug in ignoring directories, before
I finally spotted the error. Thanks for the prods!

The idea came from the Bash command 'watch', and inspiration for this
implementation came from an old blog post by Jeff Winkler, whos website
http://jeffwinkler.net seems to have now died.


    Running the given command using a *non*-interactive shell is now the
    default behaviour. Running an interactive shell for each command invocation
    requires sourcing .bashrc and the like, and hence is is slow, noisy on
    stdout, and error-prone. For example, virtualenvwrapper often fails to
    initialise properly and generates lots of output about it. An interactive
    shell can be requested when required (i.e. when the command to be run
    contains shell aliases or functions) with '--interactive' or '-I'.

    No longer crashes when a broken symlink exists under the cwd.

    Run user's given command in an interactive shell, so that shell aliases
    and functions are correctly interpreted.

    (First release since migration to github)
    Fix to run under Python 3 again, specifically tested on 3.4.

    Now expects commands to be a single arg (i.e. spaces etc should be
    escaped, or the whole command quoted) thus allowing rerun to work on
    composite commands, such as pipelines.

    Now runs on Python 2.6, and is tested on Python 3.3.


:Documentation & download:

:Souce code and issues:

:Contact the author:
    Jonathan Hartley, email: tartley at domain tartley.com, Twitter: @tartley.