
Graditude is Job 1.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Codecov Coverage

Graditude is a project designed for new graduate software engineers to land their next job. Graditude's design is based on minimalism in order to provide a streamlined job hunting experience. Whether the focus is in software engineering or web dev, we've got you covered.

Repository Structure

This project contains directories for both sides of the stack and Traefik for production HTTP reverse proxy and load balancing.


dependencies Status devDependencies Status

Getting started


Made with Django.

Updates Python 3 Black code style License: MIT

Getting started

Getting Started for Local Development

Carefully follow the steps below for a smooth experience.


1. Set up Pre-commit (contributors)

This repo has default integration with pre-commit, a tool for identifying simple issues before submission to code review. These checks are performed for all staged files using git commit before they are committed to a branch.

1.1 Integrated tools

Platform Code Styling Linting Type Checking
Python black flake8 mypy
JavaScript/TypeScript prettier ESLint N/A

1.2 Install

cd backend

# Create a python3 virtual environment using system-level Python
python3 -m venv venv

# Activate the virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate

# Install local requirements
pip install -r requirements/local.txt

# Install pre-commit hooks
pre-commit install

Note, any update to .pre-commit.config.yaml requires a re-installation of the hooks.

2. Set up Back-end

Open the project in a terminal and cd backend.

2.1 Build and Run the Stack

This can take a while, especially the first time you run this particular command on your development system but subsequent runs will occur quickly:

docker-compose -p graditude_backend_dev -f docker-compose.yml up --build

Remove the --build flag when you don't need to rebuild (e.g. no updates to Docker/docker-compose related files).

Useful Django Management Commands

2.3 Accessible Services

  • Django: localhost:8000

3. Set up Front-end

Open the project in a terminal and cd frontend.

3.1 Build and Run the Stack

This can take a while, especially the first time you run this particular command on your development system but subsequent runs will occur quickly:

docker-compose -p graditude_frontend_dev -f docker-compose.yml up --build

Remove the --build flag when you don't need to rebuild (e.g. no updates to Docker/docker-compose related files).

Useful React Scripts Commands

3.2 Accessible Services

  • React: localhost:3000

Getting Started for Production

Building the production environment involves the same steps as local. However, use _prod instead of _dev for the -p flag, and use docker-compose.prod.yml for the -f flag.

You also need to configure the production environment using the steps below.

1. Traefik

You will need to configure each router's rule, which is used to route a request to a service (e.g. django, react).

  1. Enter directory ./backend/docker/production/traefik/
  2. Open traefik.yml in your editor
  3. Edit rules for routers
    • Change example.com to the domain name (e.g. graditude.com)
    • OPTIONAL: Change /prefix to the domain subdirectory for the service
      • For example, the PathPrefix for the rules of backend can be /graditude-api and frontend can be /graditude.
      • If you don't use a subdirectory, delete PathPrefix(`prefix`) for the service

Once configured, Traefik will get you a valid certificate from Lets Encrypt and update it automatically.

2. Back-end

  1. Enter directory: ./backend/.envs/.production/
  2. Copy env files .django.template and .postgres.template
  3. Rename files as .django and .postgres
Service Environment Variable Description Documentation Type Example
Django DJANGO_READ_DOT_ENV_FILE Read the .env file generated using merge_production_dotenvs_in_dotenv.py script boolean DJANGO_READ_DOT_ENV=True
Django DJANGO_SECRET_KEY A secret key for a particular Django installation. This is used to provide cryptographic signing, and should be set to a unique, unpredictable value. Link string DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=YAFKApvifkIFTw0DDNQQdHI34kyQdyWH89acWTogCfm4SGRz2x
Django DJANGO_ADMIN_URL The url to access the Django Admin page. It should be set to a unique, unpredictable value (not admin/). string DJANGO_ADMIN_URL=11hxhSu03aSBTOZWCysDvSvcDfa16kFh/
Django DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS A list of strings representing the host/domain names that this Django site can serve. This is a security measure to prevent HTTP Host header attacks, which are possible even under many seemingly-safe web server configurations. Link array of strings DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS=graditude.com

Local environment:
Django DOMAIN_NAME The domain linked to the server hosting the Django site. string DOMAIN_NAME=graditude.com

Local environment:
Django DOMAIN_SUBDIRECTORY OPTIONAL The domain subdirectory that is proxied to the Django site (e.g. graditude.com/graditude-api). Omit backslash and match backend rules' PathPrefix in traefik.yml. string DOMAIN_SUBDIRECTORY=graditude-api
Django CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST List of origins that are authorized to make HTTP requests. Make sure to add the URL of the front-end here. Link array of strings CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST=https://graditude.com

Local environment:
Django CELERY_FLOWER_USER The login username for the Celery Flower service. Recommended to make a secured username. string CELERY_FLOWER_USER=IfVEHezeCxRGRiYSWjsxLfJylfVXuOaa
Django CELERY_FLOWER_PASSWORD The login password for the Celery Flower service. Recommended to make a secure password. string CELERY_FLOWER_PASSWORD=EwP2spXEEXcaXJkdqdvbWSDokkYW77SnEFItlkITmKuW0uROzXnX0rSwAgCEjl0P
The default Postgres environment variables are self-explanatory and can be updated if needed. string N/A

3. Front-end

  1. Enter directory: ./frontend/.envs/.production/
  2. Copy env file .react.template and rename as .react
Service Environment Variable Description Documentation Type Example
React REACT_APP_API_URL The URL for the Graditude API. string REACT_APP_API_URL=https://api.graditude.com/

Local environment: