Ambassador Auth JWT-RSA Service

This is a fork of kminehart/ambassador-auth-jwt, which is able to verify HMAC based tokens, but not RSA ones. This module is only meant to verify RSA JWTs.

Using the service

This service is not responsible for creating and assigning JWTs.

It decodes JWT / Bearer tokens (provided by the Authorization header) and verify the token against a JWKSet, provided by the JWT_ISSUER env variable.

It will return a 200 if it can verify the token, 401 if not.


Provide the following environment variables:

name description default value
JWT_ISSUER public endpoint with JWKSet (A set of public key) to verify tokens against
JWT_OUTBOUND_HEADER The name of the header to put the decoded payload in X-JWT-PAYLOAD
CHECK_EXP check if the token is expired or not true
ALLOW_BASIC_AUTH_PASSTHROUGH allow basic auth requests, without a token, to pass through false
ALLOW_BASIC_AUTH_HEADERS comma separated list of headers that could have basic auth credentials Authorization
ALLOW_BASIC_AUTH_PATH_REGEX specify a regex to test the path of the request determine if a basic auth request should be allowed ^/.*

Run on Kubernetes

A helm chart is included as a git submodule in the helm directory. You can check out the chart at


All logs are in json format to be consumed in a ELK stack.