
Quick example to demonstrate how you can view Temporal Client requests and responses

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Instructions you can follow that will let you view (plaintext) Temporal Client requests and responses. This is helpful for learning about the communication between the Client and Temporal Cluster.

Note that these instructions assume that you are using a Mac and already have the Homebrew and Temporal CLI installed.

Install grpc-dump

$ brew install bradleyjkemp/formulae/grpc-tools

Start Temporal Cluster (Using an Alternate Frontend Port)

$ temporal server start-dev --port 7234

Start grpc-dump

This will capture all Client traffic intended for the standard Frontend Service port on localhost, display a JSON representation of it to STDOUT, and forward the gRPC traffic to the Temporal Cluster's Frontend service on the alternate port (tcp/7234).

Run the following in another terminal window or tab:

$ grpc-dump --port 7233 --destination localhost:7234

Run Your Worker and Starter

Run your Worker and Starter as normal, and then look at the tab where you are running grpc-dump. You should then be able to view the Client's request and Cluster's responses.