

Primary LanguageR

cd into the directory where you have cloned the emp repo

Start R

Source the R script source("setPackages.r") to install all required packages.

Source the common libs source("sources.r")

to run the fitting process (For example for processing the Synthetic example) source("launch/process<X>.r") The specified R file loads the required data source and calls package methods. Where the "" in "launch/process.r" is replaced by the file name for example "launch/processMix.r".

The results of the fitting are stored in the "output/data" directory. (Please ensure the directories exist) chmod 777 will give write access to create the graphs

to plot the results of the fitting process (For example for processing the Synthetic example) source("plot/plotMix.r") The specified R file loads the results of the fitting stage and plots all graphs.

The output of the plots are stored in the "output/graphs" directory (The directory is specified in the "plotConfig" object within the "launch/process.r" file, ensure that the empty directory exists before plotting).

The project directory structure is as follows: "launch" - launch fitting process "output" - output files and data "data" - input data sources "plot" - plotting the results

The package "epi" contains the core fitting functions.

Please note: This message sometimes appears: DLSODA- Warning..Internal T (=R1) and H (=R2) are It is not fatal, and the plot will usually recover depending on the data