
A University project in which we had to take txt book files from Gutenberg and then parse and index the words in each book (uses CoreNLP).

Primary LanguageC#


A University project in which we had to take txt book files from Gutenberg and then parse and index the words in each book. I used CoreNLP (.NET wrapper) to help parsing documents.


  • Use it at your own risk - I am not reliable for anything

  • If you do use it for your own University project - please don't just change variables and submit - because you will be caught... Use it only to help you understand how one may approach such a task.


Loading documents Words Inspector Stats Phrases

Open Issues

  • books with a . (period) in their names will not be loaded (fix by preprocessing the documents - see |high_ascii_normalization.cs| for an example)
  • some word parsing won't work as expected:
    • ain't = ai (fix by updating code in |qualified_words.cs|)
    • some words that start with ’ (’s) (fix by preprocessing document and changing/removing these ’)

Getting Started

  • You need Visual Studio 2015 (express is good enough) and the project uses NuGet for dependencies
  • You also need Java JRE 8 (32bit) - otherwise you might get an error such as "failed to initialize CoreNLP"
  • Install MySql server (community edition is good enough)
  • Create a new (empty) schema called: books (can be any name)
  • Compile the project
  • Edit the application.exe.config and set: 'storage_folder' and 'connection_string' to valid values
  • Run application.exe (/output/release/application/application.exe)
  • Press the ResetDB and you can start

You can download txt book files from: https://www.gutenberg.org/ Also included in the project (under /database) are sample documents and the full DB schema

Features (assignment tasks)

  • load txt documents
  • support meta-data about the txt documents (title, author...)
  • query documents by meta-data and/or words
  • show all words in the database or in specific documents
  • show a word's context in documents (a few lines/sentences before/after)
  • support indexing words by: document, line, sentence, paragraph, page ...
  • support querying words by their index (line, sentence, paragraph ...)
  • support grouping of words (i.e. by their meaning) (e.g. countries, animals)
  • support querying by groups of words (the group is our index)
  • support for word relations (e.g. words the ryhme, synonyms ...)
  • support adding phrases and querying the database by these phrases
  • show some statistics: avg chars/words per line, sentence, document etc... and word frequencies in the database
  • support exporting/importing the entire database using XML